Search code examples

Missing rows in full outer join

I am trying to count how many users are observed on each of the 3 consecutive days. Each of the 3 intermediate tables (t0, t1, t2) has 2 columns: uid (unique ID) and d0 (or d1 or d2, which is 1 and indicates that the user is observed on that day).

The following query:

select d0,d1,d2, count(*) as user_count from (
select uid, 1 as d0
from my_table
where day=5 and uid is not Null
group by uid
) as t0 full outer join (
select uid, 1 as d1
from my_table
where day=6 and uid is not Null
group by uid
) as t1 on t0.uid = t1.uid
full outer join (
select uid, 1 as d2
from my_table
where day=7 and uid is not Null
group by uid
) as t2 on t0.uid = t2.uid and t1.uid = t2.uid
group by d0,d1,d2 order by d0,d1,d2

produces this output from spark.sql(q).toPandas().set_index(["d0","d1","d2"]):

d0 d1 d2            
0  0  1        73455
   1  0        53345
1  0  0        49254
   1  0         8234
      1        78455

Two rows are obviously missing: 0 1 1 and 1 0 1. Why?!

PS1. I understand why 0 0 0 is missing.

PS2. my_table looks approximately like this:

create table my_table (uid integer, day integer);
insert into my_table values
 (1, 5), (1, 6), (1, 7),
 (2, 5), (2, 6),
 (3, 5), (3, 7),
 (4, 6), (4, 7),
 (5, 5),
 (6, 6),
 (7, 7);

For this table I expect the query to return

d0 d1 d2            
0  0  1        1      --- uid = 7
   1  0        1      --- uid = 6
      1        1      --- uid = 4
1  0  0        1      --- uid = 5
      1        1      --- uid = 3
   1  0        1      --- uid = 2
      1        1      --- uid = 1


  • Regarding the original query the last FULL JOIN should take into account t0.uid could be null due to the first FULL JOIN so it must be OR not AND.

    select d0,d1,d2, count(*) as user_count 
    from (
       select uid, 1 as d0
       from my_table
       where day=5 and uid is not Null
       group by uid
    ) as t0 
    full outer join (
       select uid, 1 as d1
       from my_table
       where day=6 and uid is not Null
       group by uid
    ) as t1 on t0.uid = t1.uid
    full outer join (
       select uid, 1 as d2
       from my_table
       where day=7 and uid is not Null
       group by uid
    ) as t2 on t0.uid = t2.uid or t1.uid = t2.uid
    group by d0,d1,d2 
    order by d0,d1,d2;

    SQL Server db<>fiddle

    Personally I would stick with the Gordon Linoff's solution.