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Match key value of multiple dictionaries inside list Python

I have a list with multiple dictionaries inside of it. Each of these dictionaries has an ID inside it. I need to find out which of the dictionaries have matching ID values. I can then create a new dictionary of the average of those two dictionaries.


{'id': 123, 'conversions': 1.4227642276422763, 'cpc': 2.2357723577235773, 'cpm': 4.471544715447155, 'reach': 90.65040650406505}, 
{'id': 123, 'conversions': 1.4056224899598393, 'cpc': 2.208835341365462, 'cpm': 5.622489959839357, 'reach': 89.5582329317269},
{'id': 1234, 'conversions': 1.4056224899598393, 'cpc': 2.208835341365462, 'cpm': 5.622489959839357, 'reach': 89.5582329317269},

So in this example, id = 123 is present in two dictionaries. So I want to create a new dictionary that has the average of those two dictionaries like so:

{'id': 123, 'conversions': 1.414166666, 'cpc': 2.2225462, 'cpm': 5.622489959839357, 'reach': 89.5582329317269}

Please note the averages in above example are not exactly correct.

My approach to this has been that I need to identify the dictionaries with similar IDs and then store them separately in a list. I can then use the following to create an average of them.

out = {k: mean(d[k] for d in lst) for k in lst[0]}

My problem is I cannot identify and store them in a list.

Thank you


  • Store the dictionaries in a separate list by grouping them by id:

    from collections import defaultdict
    data = [
        {'id': 123, 'conversions': 1.4227642276422763, 'cpc': 2.2357723577235773, 'cpm': 4.471544715447155, 'reach': 90.65040650406505}, 
        {'id': 123, 'conversions': 1.4056224899598393, 'cpc': 2.208835341365462, 'cpm': 5.622489959839357, 'reach': 89.5582329317269},
        {'id': 1234, 'conversions': 1.4056224899598393, 'cpc': 2.208835341365462, 'cpm': 5.622489959839357, 'reach': 89.5582329317269},
    same_ids = defaultdict(list)
    for item in data:


        "123": [
                "id": 123,
                "conversions": 1.4227642276422763,
                "cpc": 2.2357723577235773,
                "cpm": 4.471544715447155,
                "reach": 90.65040650406505
                "id": 123,
                "conversions": 1.4056224899598393,
                "cpc": 2.208835341365462,
                "cpm": 5.622489959839357,
                "reach": 89.5582329317269
        "1234": [
                "id": 1234,
                "conversions": 1.4056224899598393,
                "cpc": 2.208835341365462,
                "cpm": 5.622489959839357,
                "reach": 89.5582329317269

    Now that they are grouped by ID, we can calculate the mean per group using your target calculation.

    from statistics import mean
    keys_to_average = set(data[0].keys())
    # keys_to_average.discard("id")  # To remove id from the result
    for key, lst in same_ids.items():
        out = {k: mean(d[k] for d in lst) for k in keys_to_average}
        print(key, out)


    123 {'cpc': 2.2223038495445193, 'conversions': 1.4141933588010578, 'id': 123, 'reach': 90.10431971789598, 'cpm': 5.047017337643256}
    1234 {'cpc': 2.208835341365462, 'conversions': 1.4056224899598393, 'id': 1234, 'reach': 89.5582329317269, 'cpm': 5.622489959839357}