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Line continuation for inline/instream JCL code

If JCL allows only codes to be written from columns 1 to 72, how can I add more members in BIND MEMBER (ABC6PROG,ABC0PROG...)? I need to put at least 8 members in here.

//SYSTSIN  DD *                                                        
  DSN SYSTEM(DB9G)                                                     
  PLAN        (DSNTIA91) -                                             
  LIBRARY     ('DSN910.DB9G.DBRMLIB.DATA') -                           
  ACTION      (REP) -                                                  
  ISOLATION   (CS) -                                                   
  VALIDATE    (BIND) -                                                 
  RELEASE     (COMMIT) -                                               
  OWNER       (IBMUSER) -                                              
  QUALIFIER   (IBMUSER) -                                              
  ENCODING    (EBCDIC) -                                               
  REOPT       (VARS)                                                   


  • The SYSTSIN data is not subject to the same restrictions as JCL and follows the TSO command syntax rules.

    The DB2 BIND statement is logically a single rather long line, the '-' indicating a continuation of the same line.

    You should be able to spread the MEMBER parameters over more than one line.

    just add a comma and dash after the ABC4PROG member and continue on the next line.