My (limited) understanding of Python is that objects defined outside a function should remain the same even if modified inside a function, i.e.
def fun():
i==0 ## True
However, lists (and other objects like numpy arrays) change when indexed inside a function:
def fun():
img[0] = img[0] + 100
img = [0, 1]
img == [0, 1] ## False
Obviously I am missing a core concept with respect to how global and local variables are handled inside functions but can't seem to find any information online. Could someone please explain why objects change inside functions when indexed? Also, could someone describe how to avoid this "feature" so that when I index objects (lists, arrays, etc...) within a function, I don't inadvertently change the objects defined outside that function? Thanks!
Please see my recent answer to a closely related question:
There's two concepts in play for your example:
For item (1.) when fun
assigns i = 1
it creates a new local variable
due to the lack of a global
For item (2.) let's consider this slightly simpler code instead, as it doesn't change the essential problem:
img[0] = 100
The assignment operator locates img
by first consulting the function's local scope (not found)
and then finding it in the module's global scope.
With a reference to the existing img
object in hand,
it then calls __setitem__
to alter what the zero-th element points to.
In this case it will point at an immutable int
The setter's assignment is performed by a STORE_SUBSCR bytecode instruction.