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Why is the (memoized) child component re-rendering?

I have two React functional components: C1 and C2. C2 is nested inside C1:

const C2 = () => {
  console.log("C2 Render");
  return (
    <div>I am Component 2</div>

const C1 = () => {
  const [text, setText] = useState("Hello");
  const MC2 = React.memo(C2, () => true);
  return (
    <div className="box">
      <h1>The Button</h1>  
        onClick={() => {
          setText(`${text} b`);
          Click me
      <MC2 />

CodePen here.

The problem

I know that a component gets re-rendered under different situations. Among those is the one when the parent re-renders.

That is why I am using a memoized component around C2. But still I can see the console displaying "C2 Render" every time I click the button.



  • C1 rerender because of state chnage, so your memoized component is redeclared every time. just wrap C2 in a React.memo() & you would not see the rerenders

    const MC2 = React.memo(() => {
      console.log("C2 Render");
      return (
        <div>I am Component 2</div>
    }, () => true);

    or if you want to memoize only one useCase put it outside the C1 component and have that component memoized:

    const C2 = () => {
      console.log("C2 Render");
      return (
        <div>I am Component 2</div>
    const MC2 = React.memo(C2, () => true);

    & used it like this:

    const C1 = () => {
      const [text, setText] = useState("Hello");
      return (
        <div className="box">
          <h1>The Button</h1>  
            onClick={() => {
              setText(`${text} b`);
              Click me
          <MC2 />