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Open a Map Url on a native device Map app

Q: I need to open this kind of link on the Native Map app. Can you tell me what plugin should I use here? Hebbe Ln+Au...

I have used the Capacitor Browser plugin and it works nicely on Android devices with the above URL. i.e. it shows Google Web map. But on the iOS device, it shows not have a valid URL error on the console and not showing in-app browser.

Any clue here, please?


 this.inAppBrowser.create(url, '_system');


  • You can use: Cordova Browser Plugin:

    Cordova in-app-browser

    const options: InAppBrowserOptions = {
       zoom: 'no',
       location: 'yes',
       toolbar: 'yes'
    const browser = this.iab.create(url, '_blank', options);