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Azure Synapse Private Endpoint Approve

Via some Terraform scripts within a CICD process I am trying to create a Managed private Endpoint for an Azure SQL Server Linked service. This is successful using the following code:

resource "azurerm_synapse_managed_private_endpoint" "mi_metadata_transform_sql_server_private_endpoint" {
name                 = "mi_synapse_metadata_transform_private_endpoint"
subresource_name     = "sqlServer"
synapse_workspace_id = module.mi_synapse_workspace.synapse_workspace_id
target_resource_id   =}

But that leaves the Endpoint in a "Pending Approval State". So adding the code below which is based on some of our existing code that approves some storage via Bash, I decided to copy that code and adjust accordingly for SQL Server. And this is where my problem begins.....

function enable_sql_private_endpoint {
        endpoints=$(az sql server show --name $1 -g ${{ parameters.resourceGroupName }} --subscription $(serviceConnection) --query  "privateEndpointConnections[?properties.privateLinkServiceConnectionState.status=='Pending'].id" -o tsv)        
        for endpoint in $endpoints 
          az sql server private-endpoint-connection approve --account-name $1 --name $endpoint --resource-group ${{ parameters.resourceGroupName }} --subscription  $(serviceConnection)

    sqlServers="$(az sql server list -g ${{ parameters.resourceGroupName }} --query '[].name' --subscription $(serviceConnection) -o tsv)"

    for sqlServerName in $sqlServers
        echo "Processing $sqlServerName ========================================="
        enable_sql_private_endpoint  $sqlServerName

The code above is executed in a further step in a YAML file and in it's simplest terms:

  • YAML Orchestrator File executed via CICD
  • Terraform Script called to create resource (code snippet 1)
  • Another YAML file executed to approve endpoints using inline Bash (code snippet 2)

The problem is with az sql server private-endpoint-connection approve and that it doesn't exist. When I review this link I cannot see anything remotely like the approve option for SQL Server Endpoints like what Storage or MySQL have. Any help would be appreciated on how this can be achieved


  • In the end, this is what I used in my YAML / Bash to get things working:

            sqlServers="$(az sql server list -g ${{ parameters.resourceGroupName }} --query '[].name' --subscription $(serviceConnection) -o tsv)"
        for sqlServerName in $sqlServers
          echo "Processing $sqlServerName ========================================="
          enable_sql_private_endpoint  $sqlServerName


            function enable_sql_private_endpoint {
        endpoints=$(az sql server show --name $1 -g ${{ parameters.resourceGroupName }} --subscription $(serviceConnection) --query  "privateEndpointConnections[?properties.privateLinkServiceConnectionState.status=='Pending'].id" -o tsv)        
        for endpoint in $endpoints 
          az network private-endpoint-connection approve -g  ${{ parameters.resourceGroupName }} --subscription $(serviceConnection) --id $endpoint  --type Microsoft.Sql/servers --description "Approved" --resource-name $1

    With the following line being the key syntax to use if anyone ever encounters such a similar scenario in their CICD with Syanpse and Managed Private Endpoints:

    az storage account private-endpoint-connection approve --account-name $1 --name $endpoint --resource-group ${{ parameters.resourceGroupName }} --subscription  $(serviceConnection)