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How to display a drawable according to a condition entered by the user in Android studio(Java)

I have a list of items displayed in Recycler view and they are sorted according to their priority (1,2,3) entered by the user with 1 on top and 3 at the bottom. I want the items to be accompanied by a drawable in red(for priority 1), yellow(for priority 2) and green(for priority 3) depending on the input from the user. May I please know how to display the drawable in such a case. picture 1

Picture 2


  • You can do this in onBindViewHolder method of the adapter or create a bind method in your view holder and then call it from onBindViewHolder

    For the latter, in your view holder create bind method

    In Kotlin

    class TaskViewHolder(private val taskItemBinding: TaskItemBinding) :
                RecyclerView.ViewHolder(taskItemBinding.root) {
                fun bind(task: Task) {
                    taskItemBinding.apply {
                                when (task.priority) {
                                    1 -> R.drawable.indicator_red
                                    2 -> R.drawable.indicator_yellow
                                    3 -> R.drawable.indicator_green

    Now, call it from onBindViewHolder

    override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: TaskViewHolder, position: Int) {
        val task = getItem(position)

    In Java

    public class TaskViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
            ImageView priorityIndicator;
            public TaskViewHolder(@NonNull View itemView) {
                priorityIndicator = itemView.findViewById(;
            private void bind(Task task) {
                int drawableId;
                switch (task.priority) {
                    case 1: drawableId = R.drawable.indicator_red;
                    case 2: drawableId = R.drawable.indicator_yellow;
                    default: drawableId = R.drawable.indicator_green;
                        ContextCompat.getDrawable(priorityIndicator.getContext(), drawableId)

    Now call it from onBindViewHolder

    public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull TaskViewHolder holder, int position) {