Let me explain my use-case here,
I wanted to give a try to vault in my local, so I configured VAULT_ADDR
$ echo $VAULT_ADDR
then I started vault in dev mode (vault server -dev
) and everything was ok, I was able to connect to the server.
Then I wrote a really simple config file:
$ cat vault.config
backend "inmem" {}
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
tls_disable = 1
disable_mlock = true
and I restarted the server with vault server -config=vault.config
, This too worked fine.
Now I want to use vault server which is deployed in remote server (aws ec2 instance). I have changed content my config file to below
backend "inmem" {}
listener "tcp" {
address = "123.456.789.1:8200" (aws ec2 public ip)
tls_disable = 1
disable_mlock = true
now this is throwing error
Error checking seal status: Get "http://123.456.789.1:8200/v1/sys/seal-status": dial tcp 123.456.789.1:8200: connect: connection refused'
when i am trying to check connectivity using telnet command, that too failed.
telnet 123.456.789.1 8200
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
I have opened 8200 port in security group of aws, and both instances are in same vpc. What I am missing here? Any help?
I was able to figure out solution for above issue. Basically I executed below steps.
vault server -dev -dev-listen-address="123.456.789.1:8200"
here 123.456.789.1 --> This is private IP of my ec2 instance, where my vault server is running.
export VAULT_ADDR='http://123.456.789.1:8200'
export VAULT_TOKEN='*****************'
telnet 123.456.789.1 8200
Trying 123.456.789.1...
Connected to 123.456.789.1.
Escape character is '^]'.