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How to delete node from XML column in DB

I am trying to remove a particular "node" from an XML column in my SQL Table. Below is an example of one of the XML column contents.


I am trying to delete duplicate records in here - For example ""

I have been trying many variations of the "delete" statement - Please can i have some assistance on this. set column.modify('delete /GodBrandConfig/AllowableIpAddresses/"")') where idcolumn= 1125;


  • You need to select an AllowableIpAddress node in your XPath, and since you're wanting to remove a duplicate you can delete the second occurrence that matches the specified text using something like:

    update #DemoTable
    set [column].modify('delete /GodBrandConfig/AllowableIpAddresses/AllowableIpAddress[text()=""][2]')
    where idcolumn = 1125;

    Which yields the updated XML:
