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Why is a pointer to pointer treated differently than a pointer in spite of corresponding corrections

I'm trying to delete a Node from a Doubly Linked List. The function deleteNode() will receive the head of the linked list and the node to be deleted. However, depending on whether I pass the node to be deleted as a pointer or a pointer to pointer, the code behaves differently (in spite of making the corresponding corrections in syntax).

Here is my structure for Doubly Linked List node -

struct DNode {
int val;
struct DNode* next;
struct DNode* prev;
DNode(int val) { //constructor
    this->val = val;
    next = NULL;
    prev = NULL;

The following code works perfectly fine:

void deleteNode(struct DNode** head, struct DNode* deleteMe) {
//head is pointer to pointer, deleteMe is pointer

if(!(*head) || !deleteMe) {
    cout<<"\nDeletion not possible";

if(deleteMe->prev != NULL)
    deleteMe->prev->next = deleteMe->next;

if(deleteMe->next != NULL)
    deleteMe->next->prev = deleteMe->prev;

if(deleteMe == *head)
    *head = deleteMe->next;

delete deleteMe;

Correspoding Driver Code -

/*at this point, I have pushed elements into the Linked List to make it 4->3->2->1, where 4 is 
the head*/
deleteNode(&head, head);      
deleteNode(&head, head->next); 
deleteNode(&head, head->next); 

However, when I send both parameters as pointer to pointer, I experience a crash at runtime:

void deleteNode(struct DNode** head, struct DNode** deleteMe) {

if(!(*head) || !(*deleteMe)) {
    cout<<"\nDeletion not possible";

if((*deleteMe)->prev != NULL)
    (*deleteMe)->prev->next = (*deleteMe)->next;

if((*deleteMe)->next != NULL)
    (*deleteMe)->next->prev = (*deleteMe)->prev;

if(*deleteMe == *head)
    *head = (*deleteMe)->next;

delete *deleteMe;

Corresponding driver code:

/*at this point, I have pushed elements into the Linked List to make it 4->3->2->1, where 4 is 
the head*/
deleteNode(&head, &head);      
deleteNode(&head, &head->next);
deleteNode(&head, &head->next);

PS - this is not entirely an issue with delete:

if you comment the line delete *deleteMe in the erroneous code, the code will run but the output will be different.

Output for working code: 3

Output for erroneous code after commenting the delete line: 3->1


  • Here, when you pass &head and &head,

    if(*deleteMe == *head)
        *head = (*deleteMe)->next;

    *deleteMe and *head are the same object (the object whose address you passed in), and they are still the same object after the assignment.
    (That is, it is equivalent to both *head = (*head)->next; and *deleteMe = (*deleteMe)->next.)

    So this,

    delete *deleteMe;

    does the same as delete *head in this case, and then things go boom.

    In the first case, *head and deleteMe are different objects, so assigning to *head does not affect deleteMe.

    As an illustration, this is what happens ("main_head" is the variable in main).

    When you enter the function, you have this situation:

       v          +---+   +---+
    main_head---->|  ---->| ----> ...
       ^          +---+   +---+
       |                    ^
     deleteMe               |

    And after the assignment *head = (*deleteMe)->next:

      head    +-------------+
       |      |             |
       |      |             v
       v      |   +---+   +---+
    main_head-+   |  ---->| ----> ...
       ^          +---+   +---+

    And you can see that head and deleteMe still point to main's head, and that is the object you assigned a value to.

    With the working code, you start with this:

       v          +---+   +---+
    main_head---->|  ---->| ----> ...
                  +---+   +---+
                    ^       ^
                    |       |
                deleteMe   deleteMe->next

    And end up with

      head    +-------------+
       |      |             |
       |      |             v
       v      |   +---+   +---+
    main_head-+   |  ---->| ----> ...
                  +---+   +---+
                    ^       ^
                    |       |
                deleteMe   deleteMe->next