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ADOMD connection to SSAS

I tried to connect my c# app to the SQL Server Analysis Services server, to execute some MDX query. The connection is done as follows :

            string connetionString;
            connetionString = @"Data Source=localhost;Catalog=SalesCubeDB;";
            AdomdConnection cnn;
            cnn = new AdomdConnection(connetionString);
            Console.WriteLine("Connection established !!");
        }catch(Exception e)

This connection throws the following error :

AdomdConnectionException: A connection cannot be made. Ensure that the server is running

I tried Servername instead of 'localhost', I added rules in the firewall for the traffic and also made sure that the Server Browser uses 'Local System'. If somebody has any ideas i will be grateful, THANKS.

Environment : Windows 10 VM, SQL server 19, ADOMD version


  • I solved my issue and this answer to everyone who might stumble on the same issue. The client app is a console app, so I added the following packages :


    I also added the following to the Connection String (I use Windows authentification) :

    persist security info=True;Integrated Security = SSPI;

    I also tried connecting using IIS 8,0 and worked perfectly.