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Disable request logging via HttpClient for single url

I have an own library that exposes health-check implementation via http client:

In StartupExtensions in my library:

services.AddHttpClient(Consts.HealthChecksHttpClientName, c =>
     c.BaseAddress = new Uri(options.BaseUrl);
     c.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Connection", "close");

How can I turn off default logging for the health-check url?

I KNOW I can disable all logs:


I don't want to remove all logs from all of http clients that do not belongs to the library - just want to disable only single url for my http client.

Is the way to override for it only for specified HttpClient? I do not want to use Serilog - only with standard Microsoft.Extensions.Logging


  • Your logging filter should be depend on how we make use of HttpClient. For example, using like this

    using var weatherHttpClient = new HttpClient()
    // make using here

    AFAIK, this case would be impossible to separate logging from HttpClient.

    If we using HttpClient via DI, we could make a filter like this.

    // Register with DI. I'm just a fan of named HttpClient, use your register as wished
    services.AddHttpClient(nameof(WeatherService), cfg =>
        cfg.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
        cfg.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
    // Using WeatherService class: 
    private readonly HttpClient _httpClient; 
    public WeatherService(IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory)
        _httpClient = httpClientFactory.CreateClient(nameof(WeatherService));
    // We can create a logging Filter on Program.cs like
    public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
            .ConfigureLogging(logging  =>
                    logging.AddFilter((_, category, _) => !category.StartsWith($"System.Net.Http.HttpClient.{nameof(WeatherService)}"));

    Register as services.AddHttpClient<WeatherService> would result the same category name to filter.

    But I still feel it some way cumbersome... of not using Serilog, could you share the reason why say no to that ?