Search code examples

WordPress: Unable to read custom field that is part of a fields group

I added a new custom field to a fields group to be used only to render the homepage. When trying read and display the contents of this field with the code below, nothing happens. I am sure the way to read custom field is how it should be. I don't get any error message. Could you please help fix this? This is being done on a WordPress site.

<div class="bg-white-base relative pt-row pb-row pl pr">
  <div class="wrap-x">
    <div class="inside mini">
      <?php if ( $headline = get_sub_field( 'slider_-_h1' ) ) : ?>
      <h2 class="mb color-purple-base">
        <?php echo $headline; ?>
      <?php endif; ?>

      <?php if ( $subheadline = get_sub_field( 'slider_-_h2' ) ) : ?>
      <h3 class="mb alt-heading h5">
        <?php echo $subheadline; ?>
      <?php endif; ?>

      <?php if ( $text_area = get_sub_field( 'slider-_shortcode' ) ) : ?>
      <article class="body-area mt2x">
        <?php echo $text_area; ?>
      <?php endif; ?>



  • get_sub_field() is supposed to be use inside a loop. When you use a group, you may use a loop like :

    while( have_rows('hero') ): the_row();

    Everything is explained here :