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XCode 13 Build Error - Could not find or use auto-linked library 'swift_Concurrency' - React Native 0.64-65


This my first time answering my own question so if there's anything wrong with my explanation just leave a comment and make any necessary correction

The following is just a updated answer for those whose XCode was automatically updated to the stable release of XCode 13 and have been running a bare React Native Project.

This issue has been seen in other questions that was posted a few months back. One of them can be seen here.

The Issue

Apparently after updating to XCode 13 and trying to run my React-Native app in the simulator would apparently result in a build error with the following log

Could not find or use auto-linked library 'swift_Concurrency'
Could not find or use auto-linked library 'swiftFileProvider'

I'm not sure about others but you might get a similar error log that has to do with the 'auto-linked library'


  • Resolution

    So from previous questions that were posted and also from this Github Issue, the build failure apparently springs from the Flipper platform that is used for debugging.

    So what I did that solved this problem is to simply go into your Podfile in the ios folder of your react native project and disabling it as I did here by commenting out this line in my Podfile

    # use_flipper!('Flipper' => '0.75.1', 'Flipper-Folly' => '2.5.3', 'Flipper-RSocket' => '1.3.1')

    After that, run pod install again

    Following this, your React Native application will build successfully and can now run as per normal on your simulator.