I have trouble with a Directory mount from my host in a docker container:
This is a fullstack situation: I am using a service stack to make files available on local lan. the stack uses nginx:alpine, images are made available - so I cannot easily modify the Dockerimage.
Is there anything that I can do that xfs inside the Alpine Linux image does't get user and group id 33?
I tried to set PUID and PGID in the docker-compose.yml
but it doesn't work (I also have trouble understanding this):
- PUID=33
- PGID=33
Minimal reproducable example:
Files on the host:cd /mnt/nfs/folder1
ls -alh
>-rwxr-xr-x 1 www-data www-data 3.5M Sep 21 15:41 '02 - track.mp3'
ls -alhn
>-rwxr-xr-x 1 33 33 3.5M Sep 21 15:41 '02 - track.mp3'
less /etc/passwd | grep www-data
version: "3"
restart: unless-stopped
image: funkwhale/funkwhale:1.0.1
- default
- postgres
- redis
command: celery -A funkwhale_api.taskapp worker -l INFO --concurrency=0
- "/mnt/nfs/:/music:ro"
Files in the container:
docker exec -it funkwhale_celeryworker_1 /bin/bash
cd /music/folder1/
ls -alh
>-rwxr-xr-x 1 xfs xfs 3.4M Sep 21 13:41 '02 - track1.mp3'
ls -alhn
>-rwxr-xr-x 1 33 33 3.4M Sep 21 13:41 '02 - track1.mp3'
su xfs
>This account is not available
less /etc/passwd | grep xfs
>xfs:x:33:33:X Font Server:/etc/X11/fs:/sbin/nologin
Late reply, but maybe it could help somebody else.. The UID:GID for www-data
in Debian/Ubuntu doesn't match with the IDs in Alpine:
user : group | Debian/Ubuntu (uid:gid) | Alpine (uid:gid) |
www-data : www-data | 33 : 33 | 82 : 82 |
xfs : xfs | - | 33 : 33 |
If your host folder is owned by www-data:www-data
), then inside the Alpine container this uid:gid is going to match with the uid:gid of xfs:xfs
and you will have problems with the permissions.
To solve this issue you can change the ownership in the host to 82:82:
$ sudo chown -R 82:82 host_directory