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Splunk - How to extract two fileds distinct count one field by the other field?

I have such events:


I want to extract the fields Id, i.e. 123456 and groupId, i.e. AB123.

I tried this:

| rex field=_raw "Id\":\"(?<Id>\d+)\".+groupId\W+(?<groupId>\w+)"
| timechart partial=f span=10m dc(Id) by groupId

It did not count anything.

What did I do wrong?


  • First, you're grouping by a field that may not exist (did you mean groupId instead of serviceId?)

    Second, are you sure your regular expression is correct?

    This tested one is simpler:

    | rex field=_raw "Id\W+(?<Id>\d+)\D+groupId\W+(?<groupid>\w+)"