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How to use useEffect correctly with useContext as a dependency

I'm working on my first React project and I have the following problem. How I want my code to work:

  • I add Items into an array accessible by context (context.items)
  • I want to run a useEffect function in a component, where the context.items are displayed, whenever the value changes

What I tried:

  1. Listing the context (both context and context.items) as a dependency in the useEffect
  • this resulted in the component not updating when the values changed
  1. Listing the context.items.length
  • this resulted in the component updating when the length of the array changed however, not when the values of individual items changed.
  1. wraping the context in Object.values(context)
  • result was exactly what I wanted, except React is now Complaining that *The final argument passed to useEffect changed size between renders. The order and size of this array must remain constant. *

Do you know any way to fix this React warning or a different way of running useEffect on context value changing?

Well, didn't want to add code hoping it would be some simple error on my side, but even with some answers I still wasn't able to fix this, so here it is, reduced in hope of simplifying.

Context component:

const NewOrder = createContext({
  orderItems: [{
    itemId: "",
    name: "",
    amount: 0,
  addOrderItem: (newOItem: OrderItem) => {},
  removeOrderItem: (oItemId: string) => {},
  removeAllOrderItems: () => {},

export const NewOrderProvider: React.FC = (props) => {
  // state
  const [orderList, setOrderList] = useState<OrderItem[]>([]);

  const context = {
    orderItems: orderList,
    addOrderItem: addOItemHandler,
    removeOrderItem: removeOItemHandler,
    removeAllOrderItems: removeAllOItemsHandler,

  // handlers
  function addOItemHandler(newOItem: OrderItem) {
    setOrderList((prevOrderList: OrderItem[]) => {
      return prevOrderList;
  function removeOItemHandler(oItemId: string) {
    setOrderList((prevOrderList: OrderItem[]) => {
      const itemToDeleteIndex = prevOrderList.findIndex((item: OrderItem) => item.itemId === oItemId);
      prevOrderList.splice(itemToDeleteIndex, 1);
      return prevOrderList;
  function removeAllOItemsHandler() {

  return <NewOrder.Provider value={context}>{props.children}</NewOrder.Provider>;

export default NewOrder;

the component (a modal actually) displaying the data:

const OrderMenu: React.FC<{ isOpen: boolean; hideModal: Function }> = (
) => {
const NewOrderContext = useContext(NewOrder);
useEffect(() => {
    if (NewOrderContext.orderItems.length > 0) {
      const oItems: JSX.Element[] = [];
      NewOrderContext.orderItems.forEach((item) => {
        const fullItem = {
          amount: item.amount,
          more: item.more,
          <OItem item={fullItem} editItem={() => editItem(item.itemId)} key={item.itemId} />
    } else {
  }, [NewOrderContext.orderItems.length, props.isOpen]);

some comments to the code:

  • it's actually done in Type Script, that involves some extra syntax -content (and set Content)is a state which is then part of return value so some parts can be set dynamically -exit is a function closing the modal, also why Open is included
  • with this .length extension the modal displays changes when i remove an item from the list, however, not when I modify it not changeing the length of the orderItems,but only values of one of the objects inside of it.
  • as i mentioned before, i found some answers where they say i should set the dependency like this: ...Object.values(<contextVariable>) which technically works, but results in react complaining that *The final argument passed to useEffect changed size between renders. The order and size of this array must remain constant. *
  • the values displayed change to correct values when i close and reopen the modal, changing props.isOpen indicating that the problem lies in the context dependency


  • You can start by creating your app context as below, I will be using an example of a shopping cart

    import * as React from "react"
    const AppContext = React.createContext({
    const AppContextProvider = (props) => {
      const [cart,setCart] = React.useState([])
      const addCartItem = (newItem)=>{
        let updatedCart = [...cart];
      return <AppContext.Provider value={{
    const useAppContext = () => React.useContext(AppContext);
    export { AppContextProvider, useAppContext };

    Then you consume the app context anywhere in the app as below, whenever the length of the cart changes you be notified in the shopping cart

    import * as React from "react";
    import { useAppContext } from "../../context/app,context";
    const ShoppingCart: React.FC = () => {
      const appContext = useAppContext();
      React.useEffect(() => {
      }, [appContext.cart]);
      return <div>{appContext.cart.length}</div>;
    export default ShoppingCart;