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How to use AspectScaledToFitAndCenterSizeFilter in kingFisher library in swift

In my project I was using AlamofireImage in swift. Now we replaced AlamofireImage with the KingFisher library. I have created a struct using below to fit the filter

struct AspectScaledToFitAndCenterSizeFilter: ImageFilter, Sizable {
    /// The size of the filter.
    let size: CGSize

    /// Initializes the `AspectScaledToFitSizeFilter` instance with the given size.
    /// - parameter size: The size.
    /// - returns: The new `AspectScaledToFitSizeFilter` instance.
    init(size: CGSize) {
        self.size = size

    /// The filter closure used to create the modified representation of the given image.
    var filter: (UIImage) -> UIImage {
        { image in
            image.imageAspectScaledAndCenter(toFit: self.size)

When we are using AlmofireImage using the below code to set image url imageURL.mediaURL(), placeholderImage: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "icMissingEntreeGrid"), filter: AspectScaledToFitAndCenterSizeFilter(size: imageSize))

Now I replace the code with

imageView.kf.setImage(with: imageURL.mediaURL(), placeholder:  imageLiteral(resourceName: "icMissingEntreeGrid"))

But how to add that “AspectScaledToFitAndCenterSizeFilter(size: imageSize)” using KingFisher library. Could anyone please help me out here. Thanks in advance.


  • To create Kingfisher image processor you need to implement ImageProcessor protocol:

    class AspectScaledToFitAndCenterSizeFilter: ImageProcessor {
        /// Identifier of the processor.
        /// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
        let identifier: String
        /// The size of the filter.
        let size: CGSize
        /// Initializes the `AspectScaledToFitSizeFilter` instance with the given size.
        /// - parameter size: The size.
        /// - returns: The new `AspectScaledToFitSizeFilter` instance.
        init(size: CGSize) {
            self.size = size
            identifier = "com.package.AspectScaledToFitAndCenterSizeFilter(\(size))"
        func process(item: ImageProcessItem, options: KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo) -> KFCrossPlatformImage? {
            switch item {
            case .image(let image):
                return image.imageAspectScaledAndCenter(toFit: self.size)
            case .data:
                return (DefaultImageProcessor.default |> self).process(item: item, options: options)


        with: imageURL.mediaURL(),
        placeholder: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "icMissingEntreeGrid"),
        options: [
            .processor(AspectScaledToFitAndCenterSizeFilter(size: .zero))

    Check out more processor usages in documentation.