I have this variable which takes on these values:
tab expenditure
Q11 | Freq. Percent Cum.
Afs 2500-5000 | 24 3.84 3.84
Afs 5000-7500 | 89 14.24 18.08
Afs 7500-10000 | 235 37.60 55.68
I don't know / refuse to answer | 9 1.44 57.12
Less than Afs 2500 | 5 0.80 57.92
More than Afs 10000 | 263 42.08 100.00
Total | 625 100.00
I would like to change the ordering, so the categories are not in alphabetical order. I tried using
label define expenditure 1 "Less than Afs 2500" 2 "Afs 2500-5000" 3 "Afs 5000-7500" 4 "Afs 7500-10000" 5 "More than Afs 10000" 6 "I don't know / refuse to answer", replace
I also tried using
recode expenditure (1 = 5) (2 = 1) (3 = 2) (4 = 3) (5 = 6) (6 = 4)
However, both methods just change the labels, not the underlying data, and now the data is all messed up (note the changes in frequencies, now only 24 observations for the "More than Afs 10000" category instead of 263 as before).
tab expenditure
Q11 | Freq. Percent Cum.
Less than Afs 2500 | 89 14.24 14.24
Afs 2500-5000 | 235 37.60 51.84
Afs 5000-7500 | 9 1.44 53.28
Afs 7500-10000 | 263 42.08 95.36
More than Afs 10000 | 24 3.84 99.20
I don't know / refuse to answer | 5 0.80 100.00
Total | 625 100.00
What's going on? What can I do to change this without affecting my underlying data?
If your expenditure
variable were string, you could just use label define
and encode
like this:
. clear
. input str31 expenditure int freq
expenditure freq
1. "Afs 2500-5000" 24
2. "Afs 5000-7500" 89
3. "Afs 7500-10000" 235
4. "I don't know / refuse to answer" 9
5. "Less than Afs 2500" 5
6. "More than Afs 10000" 263
7. end
. label def expenditure 1 "Less than Afs 2500" 2 "Afs 2500-5000" 3 "Afs 5000-7500" 4 "Afs 7500-10000" 5 "More than Afs 10000" 6 "I don't know / refuse to answer"
. encode expenditure, gen(expenditure2) label(expenditure)
. label var expenditure2 "expenditure"
. tab expenditure2 [fw=freq]
expenditure | Freq. Percent Cum.
Less than Afs 2500 | 5 0.80 0.80
Afs 2500-5000 | 24 3.84 4.64
Afs 5000-7500 | 89 14.24 18.88
Afs 7500-10000 | 235 37.60 56.48
More than Afs 10000 | 263 42.08 98.56
I don't know / refuse to answer | 9 1.44 100.00
Total | 625 100.00
It seems, however, that your variable is numeric, so it is as if you did this:
. clear
. input byte expenditure int freq
expend~e freq
1. 1 24
2. 2 89
3. 3 235
4. 4 9
5. 5 5
6. 6 263
7. end
. label def expenditure 5 "Less than Afs 2500" 1 "Afs 2500-5000" 2 "Afs 5000-7500" 3 "Afs 7500-10000" 6 "More than Afs 10000" 4 "I don't know / refuse to answer"
. label val expenditure expenditure
The problem now is that you need to re-define the value labels as well as apply recode
. recode expenditure 5=1 1=2 2=3 3=4 4=6 6=5 5=6
(6 changes made to expenditure)
. tab expenditure [fw=freq]
expenditure | Freq. Percent Cum.
Afs 2500-5000 | 5 0.80 0.80
Afs 5000-7500 | 24 3.84 4.64
Afs 7500-10000 | 89 14.24 18.88
I don't know / refuse to answer | 235 37.60 56.48
Less than Afs 2500 | 263 42.08 98.56
More than Afs 10000 | 9 1.44 100.00
Total | 625 100.00
. label def expenditure 1 "Less than Afs 2500" 2 "Afs 2500-5000" 3 "Afs 5000-7500" 4 "Afs 7500-10000" 5 "More than Afs 10000" 6 "I don't know / refuse to answer", modify
. tab expenditure [fw=freq]
expenditure | Freq. Percent Cum.
Less than Afs 2500 | 5 0.80 0.80
Afs 2500-5000 | 24 3.84 4.64
Afs 5000-7500 | 89 14.24 18.88
Afs 7500-10000 | 235 37.60 56.48
More than Afs 10000 | 263 42.08 98.56
I don't know / refuse to answer | 9 1.44 100.00
Total | 625 100.00