Suppose I have
x = 3
s = "f'12{x}4'"
How to consider s as f-string to print 1234
, like writing print(f'12{x}4')
when I print s
, it prints it as it as: f'12{x}4'
Assuming you ask this because you can not use actual f-strings, but also don't want to pass the parameters explicitly using format
, maybe because you do not know which parameter are in the not-really-an-f-string, and also assuming you don't want to use eval
, because, well, eval
You could pass the variables in the locals
or globals
scope to format
>>> x = 3
>>> s = '12{x}4'
>>> s.format(**globals())
>>> s.format(**locals())
Depending on where s
is coming from (user input perhaps?) This might still be a bit risky, though, and it might be better to define a dict
of "allowed" variables and use that in format
. As with globals
and locals
, any unused variables do not matter.
>>> vars = {"x": x, "y": y, "z": z}
>>> s.format(**vars)
Note that this does not give you the full power of f-strings, though, which will also evaluate expressions. For instance, the above will not work for s = '12{x*x}4'