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Underline a letter on a button in Maxscript

I was looking for a way to do this like in a queryBox where there's the Y and N of Yes and No underlined to indicate that if you press them that's what will get pressed.

enter image description here

Here's the code and the wrong resulting screenshot that I have where I've put an ampersand before Button.

try destroyDialog testRol catch()
rollout testRol "testRol" (
  button btn_test "&Button"
createDialog testRol 100 45

enter image description here


Even if I try with \x0332Yes it doesn't work. It does but the underline isn't lined up correctly and when used before a B it looks a mess.

I've used hardcoded underlined letters which work which is not ideal so if anyone knows a solution that would be great to avoid this.

Here's that attempt as it may help you figure this out:

try destroyDialog testRol catch()
rollout testRol "testRol" (
  button btn_yes "Y̲es (Working)" width:120 across:4
  button btn_no "N̲o (Working)" width:120
  button btn_button_not_working "\x0332Button (Not Working)" width:120
  button btn_yes_not_working "\x0332Yes (Kinda Working)" width:120
createDialog testRol 525 45

enter image description here


  • Depends on your expectations, you could use a .NET button inside a rollout control but you have to style it yourself to match the theme and use a system style to make it look like maxscript button:

    try destroyDialog testRol catch()
    rollout testRol "MXS + .NET"
        dotNetControl btnMakeCylinder "Button" text:"&Make Cylinder" width:120 height:25
        on btnMakeCylinder mouseClick evnt arg do with undo on Cylinder isSelected:on
        on testRol open do btnMakeCylinder.FlatStyle = btnMakeCylinder.FlatStyle.System
    createDialog testRol

    Or you can use the MaxForm where the button will inherit the colors but it will still not look like the rest of the UI:

        local form = dotNetObject "MaxCustomControls.MaxForm"
        form.Text = ".NET form"
        fn makeCylinder = with undo on Cylinder isSelected:on
        local btnMakeCylinder = dotNetObject "Button"
        btnMakeCylinder.Text = "&Make Cylinder"
        dotNet.addEventHandler btnMakeCylinder "MouseClick" makeCylinder
        form.Controls.Add btnMakecylinder

    Or you can use Qt UI that comes with its own set of shortcomings (like having to always explicitly specify undo records) and it's rather verbose:

        local legacy = (python.import "sys").version_info[1] < 3
        local QtGui = python.import "PySide2.QtGui"
        local QtWidgets = python.import "PySide2.QtWidgets"
        local GetQMaxMainWindow = (if legacy then python.import "MaxPlus" else python.import "qtmax").GetQMaxMainWindow
        if isProperty ::testQtDialog #close do testQtDialog.close()
        testQtDialog = QtWidgets.QDialog(GetQMaxMainWindow())
        testQtDialog.setWindowTitle "Qt Window"
        local dialogLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()
        fn makeCylinder = with undo on Cylinder isSelected:on
        local btnMakeCylinder = QtWidgets.QPushButton "&Make Cylinder"
        btnMakeCylinder.clicked.connect makeCylinder
        dialogLayout.addWidget btnMakeCylinder
        testQtDialog.setLayout dialogLayout

    From 2022 you can also make Qt windows with native max controls this way:

    if isKindOf testQtRol RolloutClass do UIAccessor.closeDialog testQtRol.hwnd
    rollout testQtRol "Qt Rollout"
        QtButton btnMakeCylinder "&Make cylinder" row:0 column:2
        on btnMakeCylinder pressed do with undo on Cylinder isSelected:on
    createQtDialog testQtRol