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RxSwift - call sequence of a function after Mapping

I'm trying to call a function after a successful completion of a mapping. The observable is created from an existing stream by mapping. Inside the mapping block, I subscribe to get the output which is mapped to the final type. With the updated stream, I'm looking at calling the function. But the function gets called before I subscribe & map it to the updated stream.

Here is a sample code:

let updatedDataStream = dataStream
            .map { (data) -> ViewData? in

            guard var unknownData = data as? UnknownDataType,
                let location = unknownData.dataPoints.first?.location else  {
                    return data

                let dataModel = DataModel(x: location.x, y: location.y)

                    .entity(forID: DataModel.entityID)
                    .filter({$0?.status == .Success})
                    .subscribe(onNext: { (localDataModel) in

                        guard let value = localDataModel.dataValue, value.count > 0 else {

                        unknownData.value = value

                    }).disposed(by: self.disposeBag)
                return unknownData


attachUpdatedData(_:) is expected to be called only after we retrieve the updatedDataStream. With the above implementation attachUpdatedData(_:) is called first before the data is mapped to a new value. Can someone point me in the right direction?


  • flatMap

    Probably what you could use is flatMap instead of map

    let updatedDataStream = dataStream
        .flatMap /* or flatMapLatest */ { [weak self] /* avoid memory leak */ data -> ViewData? in
          guard var unknownData = data as? UnknownDataType,
                    let location = unknownData.dataPoints.first?.location,
                    let self = self else
          { return .just(data) }
          let dataModel = DataModel(x: location.x, y: location.y)
          return self.dataStore.localStore?
                        .entity(forID: DataModel.entityID)
                        .filter({$0?.status == .Success})
                        .map { localDataModel in
                           guard let value = localDataModel.dataValue,
                                 value.count > 0 else { 
                           return .just(unknownData)
                           unknownData.value = value
                           return unknownData