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How to set @SWG\Info annotation for only area in Symfony using NelmioApiDocBundle

 * @SWG\Swagger(
 *   @SWG\Info(
 *     title="My first swagger documented API",
 *     version="1.0.0"
 *   )
 * )

I tried to write this block in:

my base controller - src/MyProject/ApiBundle/Controller/SiteApi/SiteApiBaseController.php

my bundle file - src/MyProject/ApiBundle/MyProjectApiBundle.php

Generated JSON contains empty "info": {"title": ""}

Symfony 3.4, NelmioApiDocBundle 3.9.1(including zircote/swagger-php 2.0.9)


  • • For controller try:

        use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations as Rest;
        use Swagger\Annotations as SWG;
         * Add Tva.         
         * @Rest\Post("/tva/add")
         * @SWG\Tag(name="TVA Management")
         * @SWG\Response(response=201, description="Tva created successfully.")

    => You will get something like this:

    You will get something like this

    • For api/doc page Title, Description & Version, try to edit this file:
