I have non-related components. From the header component when I change company I need to show data match with the company which I selected from the header component. currently, it's working when I in another page and once visit that page it changes but I need to change it on time when I select a company from the header.
companyData: Company;
getCompany() {
this.companyService.getCompanies().subscribe(x =>
this.companyData = x
changeCompany(companyId) {
common service.ts
private companySource = new BehaviorSubject('');
currentCompany = this.companySource.asObservable();
changeCompany(companyId: number) {
ngOnInit() {
this.systemFunction.currentCompany.subscribe(cid => this.companyId = cid);
ngAfterViewInit() {
getBranches() {
this.branchService.getBranches().subscribe(b => {
Object.assign(this.branchData, b);
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-shadowed-variable
this.branchData = this.branchData.filter(b => b.CompanyId == this.companyId);
If I got your implementation right, currentCompany is something like a subject. At least you are subscribing to it.
So you could put the refresh call for the branches into this subscription as well.
this.systemFunction.currentCompany.subscribe(cid => {
this.companyId = cid;
You might end up with an unnecessary additional loading of the branches on initialisazion. If so, you could just remove the getBranches call in your afterViewInit.