The difference equation and the boundary value are:
I have managed to solve for y(n) with eigenvector to obtain the homogeneous solution and particular solution and solve the coefficients using the boundary value. However, I do not know how to reformulate the whole difference equation into a matrix equation. Can anyone provide me with an idea or hint?
Hint: You need a Y vector with 2 entries y(n), y(n-1)
A recurrence relation of the form:
y(n) = a_{n-1}y(n-1)+a_{n-2}y(n-2)+..+a_0y(0)
can be extended with n-1 identities of the form: y(n-k)=y(n-k)
to obtain a linear system:
Y(n) = [y(n),y(n-1),..,y(1)]^T = A * [y(n-1),y(n-2),..,y(0)]^T = A * Y(n-1)