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Delphi 11 Alexandria Ribbons Classic Controls support

With Delphi 10 Seattle the Ribbons Classic Controls were included in the regular shipment.

Starting with Delphi 10.4 Sydney the Ribbons Classic Controls have to be installed via GetIt-Package-Manager. So far so good.

Now, with Delphi 11 Alexandria I installed the Ribbon Classic Controls via GetIt-Package-Manager. I can't compile some of my projects because it's missing a few class implementations like TScreenTipsPopup, TScreenTipItem for example.

[dcc32 Fehler] Vcl.Ribbon.pas(763): E2003 Undeklarierter Bezeichner: 'TScreenTipsPopup'
[dcc32 Fehler] Vcl.Ribbon.pas(771): E2003 Undeklarierter Bezeichner: 'TScreenTipItem'

Seattle Ribbon Seattle ScreenTips

Delphi 10 Seattle provided those implementations in the unit Vcl.ScreenTips.pas.

Seattle cmd

As you can see here, it does not exists any unit with "TScreenTipsPopup = class".

Alexandria cmd

But I have the Vcl.Ribbon.pas unit. So that it can't be said that I simply copied the unit. I have installed the GetIt-Package:

Alexandria GetIt

Now my real question:

What am I doing wrong? How can I fix this? Help?!


  • It's really a mistake and I am not the only one.