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Laravel 8 Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest with Ajax Error 403 Forbidden

I am re-doing a part of a website and decided to use Laravel 8 with its built in Repository Pattern. I set up the project and firstly did everything in a WelcomeController that handles all front page methods. Everything worked great.

I then abstracted the parts of the WelcomeController methods' functionality
1> Validation of forms => App\Http\Requests\WelcomeRequest
2> Methods used => App\Interfaces\WelcomeInterface
3> Methods used implemented => App\Repositories\WelcomeRepository
4> Injected interface => App\Http\Controllers\WelcomeController
5> Binded Interface + Repository => Providers\RepositoryWebServiceProvider
6> Registered service provider RepositoryWebServiceProvider => config/app.php
7> Commands => php artisan config:cache & composer dump-autoload

The front page loaded. Hurrah!

I then posted contact form values with ajax and received a 403 Forbidden http response code.

A] To try and fix this I replaced the WelcomeRequest argument from the WelcomeController store method with instance of Illuminate\Http\Request and the request was deposited into the WelcomeController store method.
B] But again errorred out on injected interface method $this->welcomeInterface->contactEmail($request) with error message expected WelcomeRequest $request instance Illuminate\Http\Request given.
C] The 403 forbidden error only occurs when intstantiating the App\Http\Requests\WelcomeRequest class.


use App\Http\Requests\WelcomeRequest;
use App\Interfaces\web\WelcomeInterface;

class WelcomeController extends Controller
    protected $welcomeInterface;

    public function __construct(WelcomeInterface $welcomeInterface)
        $this->welcomeInterface = $welcomeInterface;

    // ...
    public function store(WelcomeRequest $request) // the request argument causes the error
        return $this->welcomeInterface->requestContact($request);


Route::post('/email-contact',  [App\Http\Controllers\WelcomeController::class, 'store'])->name('email-contact');


class WelcomeRequest extends FormRequest
    public function authorize()
        return false;

    public function rules()
        return [
            'name'=> 'required|string|max:60',
            'email'=> 'required|string|email|max:255',
            'subject' => 'required|string|max:60',
            'message' => 'nullable|string|max:300',

    public function messages()
        return [
            'name.required' => 'Your name is required and should not exceed maximum length of 60.',
            'name.max' => 'Your name is required and should not exceed maximum length of 60.',
            'email.required' => 'Email is required.',
            '' => 'Email is incorrect format.',
            'subject.required' => 'The subject is required and should not exceed maximum length of 60.',
            'subject.max' => 'The subject is required and should not exceed maximum length of 60.',
            'message.max' => 'Comment maximum length exceeded.',
            'message.string' => 'Comment is invalid format.',

My question is why is the use of the App\Http\Requests\WelcomeRequest class that extends Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest giving me a 403 Forbidden http response? How do I solve this?


  • Solved it. The WelcomeRequest class needed to be authorised before allowing validation. Therefore I changed the following method return --

        public function authorize()
            return true;