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How do I get the name of the Scenario step currently executing?

I'm logging the currently executing Scenario in a hook like so:

public void logScenarioStarting(Scenario scenario) {
  logger.debug("Starting scenario {}.", scenario.getName();

But, how do I get the name of the Step? I mean, the Given, When, Then lines.


  • You would need to implement the ConcurrentEventListener interface and setup the handlers for the event you are looking for, in your case the TestStepStarted event

    public void setEventPublisher(EventPublisher publisher) {
        publisher.registerHandlerFor(TestStepStarted.class, this::handleTestStepStarted);
        publisher.registerHandlerFor(TestStepFinished.class, this::handleTestStepFinished);

    Then implement the method handTestStepStarted

    private void handleTestStepStarted(TestStepStarted testStepStartedEvent) {
        if(testStepStartedEvent.getTestStep() instanceof PickleStepTestStep) {
            PickleStepTestStep pickleStepTestStep = (PickleStepTestStep)testStepStartedEvent.getTestStep();
            //do what you want with it