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On UiPath how can I extract (from an XML File) the second tag if there are multiple tags with the same name?

I have an XML File with this characteristics:

     <Address> Sesame Street </Address>
     <Address> New York US </Address>
     <Address> Nairobi KE</Address>

I want to extract always the second tag (New York US) or the first one if its only one tag. But on UiPath when i try to extract (with Execute XPath activity), it always returns the first one. Any suggestion on how can i extract the second one or the first if its the only one?


  • My understanding is you always want the last Address element in an Example, which can be accomplished by using the XPath function last() in the predicate.


    This selects both the "New York US" and "Nairobi KE" elements.

    I'm a bit unclear on the question, but if your intent is to only extract "New York US", you can specify that you only want the last Address in the first Example.
