I have the string 'BANANA'
(could be any).
I would like to find all possible permutations between characters but it needs to be one consonant and one vowel alternating.
So far, what I've achieved are normal permutations, but I'm struggling with the alternation part.
from itertools import permutations
# Set for avoiding duplicates
return set([''.join(j) for i in range(1, len(string_) + 1) for j
in permutations(string_, i)])
The output I would expect is:
['B', 'A', 'N', 'BA', 'AN', 'NA', 'BAN', 'BANA', etc]
But not (since they would be consonant after consonant or vowel after vowel) things like:
['BN', 'NB', AA', etc]
In your list comprehension, you can filter out permutations where there are consecutive vowels or consonants.
from itertools import permutations
VOWELS = {"A", "E", "I", "O", "U"}
string_ = "BANANA"
def is_alternating(text):
def is_vowel(ch):
return ch in VOWELS
return all(
is_vowel(text[index-1]) != is_vowel(text[index])
for index in range(1, len(text))
perms = set(
for i in range(1, len(string_) + 1)
for j in permutations(string_, i)
if is_alternating(j)
{'ANABA', 'BAN', 'ANANA', 'BANA', 'BANANA', 'AB', 'ANANAB', 'N', 'ABANAN', 'NABA', 'A', 'ANA', 'ABANA', 'ANAN', 'B', 'ANABAN', 'NAB', 'NAN', 'NABANA', 'AN', 'ABA', 'NABAN', 'BA', 'NANAB', 'ABAN', 'NANA', 'ANAB', 'NANABA', 'NA', 'BANAN'}