For some reason it seems my project no longer has a default Compute Engine service account. I might of deleted some time ago and forgotten.
That's fine, as I usually assign specific service accounts when needed and rarely depend on the default one.
However, I am now trying to create an Autopilot GKE cluster, and I continue to get the annoying error:
Service account "1673******" does not exist.
In the advanced options there is no possibility to select another service account.
I have seen other answers on StackOverflow regarding recreating the default account. I have tried those answers, as well as attempting to undelete. So far I have not had success with any.
How can I do one of the following:
Create a new default Compute Engine service account
Tell GKE which service account to use when creating an Autopilot cluster
When creating your cluster you just need to add this flag to specify your own SA
gcloud beta container --project "xxxxxx" clusters create-auto "autopilot-cluster-1" --region "us-central1" --release-channel "regular" --network "projects/xxxxxxx/global/networks/default" --subnetwork "projects/xxxxxx/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/default" --cluster-ipv4-cidr "/17" --services-ipv4-cidr "/22"