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APL skill without lambda functions

I am creating Alexa echo show skill, I have created one sample Alexa skill without lambda function that hits myserver api and I return response in Alexa accepted format like below:

  "version": "1.0",
  "sessionAttributes": {},
  "response": {
    "outputSpeech": {
      "type": "PlainText",
      "text": "My output speech"
    "card": {
      "type": "Simple",
      "title": "hELLO",
      "content": "Meetings"
    "reprompt": {
      "outputSpeech": {
        "type": "PlainText",
        "text": "Can I help you with anything else?"
    "shouldEndSession": false

Till now my skill working fine, But now I want to show a template over the echo show that is possible with APL(Alexa Programming Language).

I am not getting APL examples without lambda function, I have tried to add some APL response json from the example that i got and put into above response json that is not working.

I am confused with APL, Should i just need to add some attribute only in the above response or need to use sdk at my server that is running with PHP whose sdk i did not find at the portal.

Please help me


  • If you want to send an APL document, you have to send a directive to the JSON

      "body": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "response": {
          "outputSpeech": {
            "type": "SSML",
            "ssml": "<speak>Hello world, change me</speak>"
          "directives": [
              "type": "Alexa.Presentation.APL.RenderDocument",
              "token": "TemplateTypescript",
              "document": {
                "type": "APL",
                "version": "1.7",
                "license": "Copyright 2021, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.\nSPDX-License-Identifier:\nLicensed under the Amazon Software License",
                "theme": "dark",
                "import": [
                    "name": "alexa-layouts",
                    "version": "1.4.0"
                "resources": [
                    "description": "Default dimensions, numbers and strings for the AlexaHeadline.",
                    "dimensions": {
                      "primaryTextMaxWidth": "100%",
                      "secondaryTextMaxWidth": "100%",
                      "secondaryTextTopPadding": "@spacingXSmall",
                      "contentPaddingLeft": "@marginHorizontal"
                    "numbers": {
                      "headlinePrimaryTextMaxLines": 2
                    "strings": {
                      "textComponentAlign": "center"
                    "description": "Dimensions for the AlexaHeadline - hubLandscapeLarge.",
                    "when": "${@viewportProfile == @hubLandscapeLarge}",
                    "numbers": {
                      "headlinePrimaryTextMaxLines": 4
                    "description": "Dimensions for the AlexaHeadline - hubRound.",
                    "when": "${@viewportProfileCategory == @hubRound}",
                    "dimensions": {
                      "secondaryTextTopPadding": "@spacing3XSmall"
                    "description": "Dimensions for the AlexaHeadline - tvLandscapeOverlay/tvLandscapeXLarge.",
                    "when": "${@viewportProfile == @tvLandscapeXLarge || @viewportProfile == @tvLandscapeOverlay}",
                    "dimensions": {
                      "primaryTextMaxWidth": "560dp",
                      "secondaryTextMaxWidth": "560dp",
                      "secondaryTextTopPadding": "@spacing3XSmall"
                    "description": "Dimensions for the AlexaHeadline - tvLandscapeXLarge.",
                    "when": "${@viewportProfile == @tvLandscapeXLarge}",
                    "numbers": {
                      "headlinePrimaryTextMaxLines": 4
                    "description": "Dimensions, numbers and strings for the AlexaHeadline - tvPortraitOverlay.",
                    "when": "${@viewportProfile == @tvPortraitOverlay}",
                    "dimensions": {
                      "primaryTextMaxWidth": "220dp",
                      "secondaryTextMaxWidth": "220dp",
                      "contentPaddingLeft": "@spacing2XLarge"
                    "strings": {
                      "textComponentAlign": "left"
                    "description": "Dimensions, numbers and strings for the AlexaHeadline - mobileSmall portrait.",
                    "when": "${@viewportProfile == @mobileSmall && @viewportOrientation == @viewportOrientationPortrait}",
                    "numbers": {
                      "headlinePrimaryTextMaxLines": 4
                    "description": "Dimensions, numbers and strings for the AlexaHeadline - mobileMedium.",
                    "when": "${@viewportProfile == @mobileMedium}",
                    "dimensions": {
                      "primaryTextMaxWidth": "758dp"
                    "numbers": {
                      "headlinePrimaryTextMaxLines": 4
                    "description": "Dimensions, numbers and strings for the AlexaHeadline - mobileLarge.",
                    "when": "${@viewportProfile == @mobileLarge}",
                    "dimensions": {
                      "primaryTextMaxWidth": "1025dp"
                    "numbers": {
                      "headlinePrimaryTextMaxLines": 4
                    "description": "Dimensions, numbers and strings for the AlexaHeadline - hubPortraitMedium.",
                    "when": "${@viewportProfile == @hubPortraitMedium}",
                    "numbers": {
                      "headlinePrimaryTextMaxLines": 4
                    "description": "Dimensions, numbers and strings for the AlexaHeadline - hubLandscapeXLarge.",
                    "when": "${@viewportProfile == @hubLandscapeXLarge}",
                    "dimensions": {
                      "primaryTextMaxWidth": "1440dp"
                    "numbers": {
                      "headlinePrimaryTextMaxLines": 4
                "styles": {
                  "primaryTextLight": {
                    "extends": "textStyleDisplay4",
                    "values": [
                        "color": "@colorTextReversed"
                  "secondaryTextLight": {
                    "extends": "textStyleCallout",
                    "values": [
                        "color": "@colorTextReversed"
                "layouts": {
                  "AlexaHeadline": {
                    "parameters": [
                        "name": "theme",
                        "description": "Colors will be switched depending on the specified theme (light/dark). Default to dark theme",
                        "type": "string",
                        "default": "dark"
                        "name": "primaryText",
                        "description": "Primary message",
                        "type": "string"
                        "name": "secondaryText",
                        "description": "secondary message",
                        "type": "string"
                        "name": "headerAttributionOpacity",
                        "type": "number",
                        "default": "${@viewportProfileCategory == @hubRound ? 1 : @opacitySecondary}"
                        "name": "headerTitle",
                        "description": "Primary text to render in header.",
                        "type": "string"
                        "name": "headerSubtitle",
                        "description": "Secondary text to render in header.",
                        "type": "string"
                        "name": "headerAttributionText",
                        "description": "Attribution text to render in header. Only shown when no headerAttributionImage is provided, and when headerAttributionPrimacy is true, or on a device that shows Title/Subtitle and Attribution.",
                        "type": "string"
                        "name": "headerAttributionImage",
                        "description": "URL for attribution image source. Only shown when headerAttributionPrimacy is true, or on a device that shows Title/Subtitle and Attribution.",
                        "type": "string"
                        "name": "headerAttributionPrimacy",
                        "description": "On devices that can only display one element due to screen size, Attribution is prioritized. Setting False displays Title/Subtitle.  Defaults to true.",
                        "type": "boolean",
                        "default": true
                        "name": "headerDivider",
                        "description": "Toggle to display the divider that appears at the bottom of header to help separate it from the content below. Default to false",
                        "type": "boolean",
                        "default": false
                        "name": "headerBackButton",
                        "description": "Toggle to display back button in header. Defaults to false.",
                        "type": "boolean",
                        "default": false
                        "name": "headerBackButtonAccessibilityLabel",
                        "description": "An accessibility label to describe the back button to customers who use a screen reader.",
                        "type": "string"
                        "name": "headerBackButtonCommand",
                        "description": "Command that is issued when back button is pressed.",
                        "type": "any",
                        "default": {
                          "type": "SendEvent",
                          "arguments": ["goBack"]
                        "name": "headerBackgroundColor",
                        "description": "Optional color value to use as background color for Header. Defaults to transparent.",
                        "type": "color",
                        "default": "transparent"
                        "name": "backgroundColor",
                        "description": "Color value to use as background color for layout.",
                        "type": "color"
                        "name": "backgroundImageSource",
                        "description": "URL for background image source.",
                        "type": "string"
                        "name": "backgroundVideoSource",
                        "description": "URL for background video source.",
                        "type": "any"
                        "name": "backgroundScale",
                        "description": "Image/video scale to apply to background image/video. Defaults to best-fill.",
                        "type": "string",
                        "default": "best-fill"
                        "name": "backgroundAlign",
                        "description": "Image/video alignment to apply to background image/video. Defaults to center.",
                        "type": "string",
                        "align": "center"
                        "name": "backgroundBlur",
                        "description": "Toggle to apply background blur. Defaults to false.",
                        "type": "boolean",
                        "default": false
                        "name": "backgroundColorOverlay",
                        "description": "Toggle to apply overlay scrim to background image/video. Defaults to false.",
                        "type": "boolean",
                        "default": false
                        "name": "backgroundOverlayGradient",
                        "description": "Toggle to apply gradient to background image/video. Defaults to false.",
                        "type": "boolean",
                        "default": false
                        "name": "backgroundVideoAutoPlay",
                        "description": "Toggle to autoplay background video(s). Defaults to false.",
                        "type": "boolean",
                        "default": false
                        "name": "backgroundVideoAudioTrack",
                        "description": "Audio track to play on. Defaults to foreground. EM can select foreground | background | none.",
                        "type": "string",
                        "default": "foreground"
                        "name": "footerHintText",
                        "type": "string",
                        "description": "Hint text to display in Footer."
                        "name": "entities",
                        "description": "Array of entity data bind to this layout",
                        "type": "any"
                        "name": "layoutDirection",
                        "description": "The layoutDirection of AlexaHeadline. It can be LTR or RTL. By default, it uses environment layoutDirection.",
                        "type": "string",
                        "default": "${environment.layoutDirection}"
                        "name": "lang",
                        "description": "The lang property of AlexaHeadline. Set the lang property to a BCP-47 string (e.g., en-US). By default, it uses environment lang.",
                        "type": "string",
                        "default": "${environment.lang}"
                    "items": [
                        "type": "Container",
                        "layoutDirection": "${layoutDirection}",
                        "height": "100vh",
                        "entities": "${entities}",
                        "items": [
                            "type": "AlexaBackground",
                            "backgroundColor": "${backgroundColor}",
                            "backgroundImageSource": "${backgroundImageSource}",
                            "backgroundVideoSource": "${backgroundVideoSource}",
                            "backgroundScale": "${backgroundScale}",
                            "backgroundAlign": "${backgroundAlign}",
                            "backgroundBlur": "${backgroundBlur}",
                            "colorOverlay": "${backgroundColorOverlay}",
                            "overlayGradient": "${backgroundOverlayGradient}",
                            "videoAutoPlay": "${backgroundVideoAutoPlay}",
                            "videoAudioTrack": "${backgroundVideoAudioTrack}"
                            "type": "Container",
                            "height": "100vh",
                            "width": "100vw",
                            "position": "absolute",
                            "items": [
                                "type": "Container",
                                "grow": 1,
                                "justifyContent": "center",
                                "paddingLeft": "@contentPaddingLeft",
                                "paddingRight": "@marginHorizontal",
                                "alignItems": "center",
                                "items": [
                                    "when": "${primaryText && primaryText != ''}",
                                    "type": "Text",
                                    "style": "${theme == 'light' ? 'primaryTextLight' : 'textStyleDisplay4'}",
                                    "text": "${primaryText}",
                                    "opacity": 1,
                                    "textAlign": "@textComponentAlign",
                                    "maxWidth": "@primaryTextMaxWidth",
                                    "maxLines": "@headlinePrimaryTextMaxLines"
                                    "when": "${secondaryText && secondaryText != ''}",
                                    "type": "Text",
                                    "style": "${theme == 'light' ? 'secondaryTextLight' : 'textStyleCallout'}",
                                    "text": "${secondaryText}",
                                    "maxLines": 1,
                                    "opacity": "@opacitySecondary",
                                    "textAlign": "@textComponentAlign",
                                    "maxWidth": "@secondaryTextMaxWidth",
                                    "paddingTop": "@secondaryTextTopPadding"
                                "type": "AlexaHeader",
                                "theme": "${theme}",
                                "headerTitle": "${headerTitle}",
                                "layoutDirection": "${layoutDirection}",
                                "headerSubtitle": "${@viewportProfile != @tvLandscapeOverlay ? headerSubtitle : ''}",
                                "headerAttributionText": "${headerAttributionText}",
                                "headerAttributionImage": "${headerAttributionImage}",
                                "headerAttributionPrimacy": "${headerAttributionPrimacy}",
                                "headerDivider": "${headerDivider}",
                                "headerBackButton": "${headerBackButton}",
                                "headerBackButtonAccessibilityLabel": "${headerBackButtonAccessibilityLabel}",
                                "headerBackButtonCommand": "${headerBackButtonCommand}",
                                "headerBackgroundColor": "${headerBackgroundColor}",
                                "headerAttributionOpacity": "${headerAttributionOpacity}",
                                "position": "absolute",
                                "width": "100%",
                                "top": "0"
                                "when": "${@viewportProfileCategory != @hubRound && @viewportProfile != @tvLandscapeOverlay && footerHintText}",
                                "type": "AlexaFooter",
                                "hintText": "${footerHintText}",
                                "theme": "${theme}",
                                "lang": "${lang}",
                                "position": "absolute",
                                "width": "100%",
                                "bottom": "0"
                "mainTemplate": {
                  "parameters": ["payload"],
                  "item": [
                      "type": "AlexaHeadline",
                      "id": "PlantHeadline",
                      "primaryText": "${}",
                      "headerBackButton": false,
                      "headerAttributionImage": "${}",
                      "headerAttributionPrimacy": true,
                      "footerHintText": "${}",
                      "backgroundImageSource": "${[0].url}",
                      "backgroundColorOverlay": false,
                      "speech": "${}",
                      "theme": "light"
                "onMount": [
                    "type": "SpeakItem",
                    "componentId": "PlantHeadline"
              "datasources": {
                "headlineTemplateData": {
                  "type": "object",
                  "objectId": "headlineSample",
                  "properties": {
                    "backgroundImage": {
                      "sources": [
                          "url": "",
                          "size": "large"
                    "textContent": {
                      "primaryText": {
                        "type": "PlainText",
                        "text": "Welcome to Template Typescript"
                    "logoUrl": "",
                    "hintText": ""
              "timeoutType": "SHORT"
          "reprompt": {
            "outputSpeech": {
              "type": "SSML",
              "ssml": "<speak>Hello world, change me</speak>"
          "shouldEndSession": false,
          "type": "_DEFAULT_RESPONSE"
        "sessionAttributes": {},
        "userAgent": "ask-node/2.11.0 Node/v12.22.4"

    You can use or within the developer console to help you get started quickly.