My app has a backup/restore feature which export data to a file either to a file in device, or share to DropBox, email etc. When restore user can select that file to import data back. But after the new Android storage privacy policy:
My app can no longer see the files that exported if the app that restore is after uninstall and reinstall, or in a new device which must be a different installation. It seems all the app can see are the files is generate. This breaks the purpose of the backup/restore feature.
Can anyone advice how do my app should change in order to help user keep data across different installation? Thank you for any suggestions or advice.
The new policy is about reading/writing every file in the device, you can still ask for the system for external files that will be delivered to you as a Uri that you just open and read
val intentGetPDF = Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT)
intentPDF.type = fileType
ctx.startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser(intentFetPDF, ""), REQUEST_PDF)
And from onActivityResult
val iS = ctx.contentResolver.openInputStream( as Uri)
To save the files you now need to share it from your internal app storage trough a Uri from FileProvider
val fileUri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(ctx, "apppackage.provider", "your internal file path here")
val intent = Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_SEND)
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, fileUri)
You will need to setup a FileProvider in the AndroidManifest so it work