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C++ linker error for extern-declared global object

I have trouble using an extern-declared global object. As I understand it I should be able to declare an object as extern in a header file, define it in a source file, then use the object in any other source file where the header is included. However, with the following structure, I get a linker error saying that the logger symbol is undefined.


#ifndef MY_LOGGER_H
#define MY_LOGGER_H

namespace foo {
class Logger {
    void log(int num);

extern Logger logger;
} // foo



#include "logger.hpp"
using namespace foo;

void Logger::log(int num) { /* Do stuff */ }

Logger logger;


#include "logger.hpp"
using namespace foo;

int main() {
    logger.log(3); // arbitrary number

If I declare a Logger in main(), everything works fine, so the header and source files are being included and linked correctly. I get the same error using built-in types (e.g. int), so I don't think it's an issue with the Logger class itself either.

Appologies if this is a dumb question, I have a few years' experience in C++ but I've avoided global variables like the plague until now.


  • This declaration

    Logger logger;

    defines a variable in the global namespace.

    You need to write using qualified name

    #include "logger.hpp"
    using namespace foo;
    void Logger::log(int num) { /* Do stuff */ }
    Logger foo::logger;

    From the C++ 20 Standard ( Namespace member definitions)

    2 Members of a named namespace can also be defined outside that namespace by explicit qualification ( of the name being defined, provided that the entity being defined was already declared in the namespace and the definition appears after the point of declaration in a namespace that encloses the declaration’s namespace

    Here is a demonstrative program.

    #include <iostream>
    namespace foo {
        class Logger {
            void log(int num);
        extern Logger logger;
    } // foo
    using namespace foo;
    void Logger::log(int num) { /* Do stuff */ }
    Logger foo::logger;
    int main() 
        return 0;