Search code examples

get everage value of certain key form 3 diffrent collection

I have 3 collection that have many records. Each of them have some key like price, name, ...

As you see price filed on collection c unlike the other collection is in data.detail field.

I want to calculate the everage of price of there collection accroding to the name.

Final result sould be array of products with calculated price. is it possible?

collection a = [
{"id":1, "price": "1200", "name": "x1"},
{"id":2, "price": "2000", "name": "x2"},
{"id":3, "price": "3000", "name": "x3"},

collection b  = [
{"id":1, "price": "1500", "name": "x1"},
{"id":2, "price": "2500", "name": "x2"},
{"id":3, "price": "3125", "name": "x3"},

collection c  = [
  {"id":1, "data": {"detail": {"price": 1900}}, "name": "x1"},
  {"id":2, "data": {"detail": {"price": 2900}}, "name": "x2"},
  {"id":3, "data": {"detail": {"price": 3500}}, "name": "x3"},

I want to have this as result:

$result = [
{"id":1, "price": "1533.3", "name": "x1"},
{"id":2, "price": "2466.6", "name": "x2"},
{"id":2, "price": "3208.3", "name": "x3"},


  • You can try this query:

    • First $lookup twice to do the JOIN with collection B and C.
    • Then $unwind to deconstruct the array generated by $lookup.
    • Here I've parsed to int values because in your data example are string, I don't know if it is a typo or the data is a string. You can avoid this stage is your data is already an integer.
    • Then regroup the values, generating an array for each price (A, B and C).
    • Concat these arrays.
    • And calculate the average.
        "$lookup": {
          "from": "b",
          "localField": "name",
          "foreignField": "name",
          "as": "b"
        "$lookup": {
          "from": "c",
          "localField": "name",
          "foreignField": "name",
          "as": "c"
        "$unwind": "$b"
        "$unwind": "$c"
        "$set": {
          "b.price": {
            "$toInt": "$b.price"
          "price": {
            "$toInt": "$price"
        "$group": {
          "_id": "$_id",
          "name": {
            "$first": "$name"
          "id": {
            "$first": "$id"
          "priceA": {
            "$push": "$price"
          "priceB": {
            "$push": "$b.price"
          "priceC": {
            "$push": "$"
        "$set": {
          "price": {
            "$concatArrays": [
        "$project": {
          "_id": 0,
          "id": 1,
          "name": 1,
          "price": {
            "$avg": "$price"

    Example here

    With your input example it works, check if it still works for other input data.