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How to generate array with Template Literal Types items

I have UNO card deck that I want to be type safe. Each card in the deck array is represented by a 2 char string consting of a colour and a value. I am using a Template Literal Type for the CardType.

type SpecialCard = "S" | "R" | "D"; // Skip | Reverse | Draw 2
type NumberCard = number;
type Color = "R" | "Y" | "G" | "B";
type WildCard = "W" | "W4";
type CardType = `${Color}${(NumberCard | SpecialCard)}` | WildCard;

Now I'd like to create a set of cards like this:

const StandardDeck: CardType[] = (["R", "Y", "G", "B"] as Color[])
  .map<CardType[]>((color) =>
    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "S", "R", "D"].map<CardType>(
      (v) => `${color}${v}`

However this gives me an error on this line:

(v) => `${color}${v}`
Type '`R${number}` | `Y${number}` | `G${number}` | `B${number}` | `R${string}` | `Y${string}` | `G${string}` | `B${string}`' is not assignable to type 'CardType'.
  Type '`R${string}`' is not assignable to type 'CardType'.
    Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'CardType'.
      Type '`R${string}`' is not assignable to type '"BD"'.
        Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"BD"'.

Playground Link


  • UPDATE 10 September 2022

    You can do even better. You can generate exact literal type of return value:

    Version 2

    type SpecialCard = "S" | "R" | "D"; // Skip | Reverse | Draw 2
    type Color = "R" | "Y" | "G" | "B";
    type Indexes = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
    type CardName = Indexes | SpecialCard
    type Add<Clr extends Color, Name extends CardName[]> = {
        [Index in keyof Name]: `${Clr}${Name[Index]}`
    type Compute<
        Clrs extends Color[],
        Names extends Array<CardName>,
        Acc extends string[] = []
    > =
        (Clrs extends []
            ? Acc
            : (Clrs extends [
                infer Head extends Color,
                ...infer Rest extends Array<Color>
                ? Compute<Rest, Names, [...Acc, ...Add<Head, Names>]>
                : Acc)
    function applyColor<
        TColor extends Color,
        Colors extends TColor[]
    >(colors: [...Colors]): <
        ColorKeys extends CardName,
        ColorMap extends ColorKeys[]
    >(colorMap: [...ColorMap]) =>
            Compute<Colors, ColorMap>
    function applyColor<TColor extends Color, Colors extends TColor[]>(colors: [...Colors]) {
        return <ColorKeys extends CardName, ColorMap extends ColorKeys[]>(colorMap: [...ColorMap]) =>
                .flatMap((color) =>
           `${Colors[number]}${ColorKeys}` => `${color}${v}`)
    const makeDeck = applyColor(["R", "Y", "G", "B"])
    // exact type representation of runtime value
    const StandardDeck = makeDeck([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "S", "R", "D"])
    const thirdElement = StandardDeck[2] //R2
    console.log({ thirdElement }) // R2


    Compute and Add utility types are doing exact same thing as runtime representation but with recursion.

    SImilar approach I have used here

    Version 1

    type SpecialCard = "S" | "R" | "D"; // Skip | Reverse | Draw 2
    type NumberCard = number;
    type Color = "R" | "Y" | "G" | "B";
    type WildCard = "W" | "W4";
    type Indexes = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
    type CardType = `${Color}${(NumberCard | SpecialCard)}` | WildCard;
    const applyColor = <Colors extends Color[]>(colors: [...Colors]) =>
      <ColorKeys extends Indexes | SpecialCard, ColorMap extends ColorKeys[]>(colorMap: [...ColorMap]) =>
          .map((color) =>
   `${Colors[number]}${ColorKeys}` => `${color}${v}`)
    const makeDeck = applyColor(["R", "Y", "G", "B"])
    // ("R0" | "R4" | "R1" | "R2" | "R3" | "R5" | "R6" | "R7" | "R8" | "R9" | "RR" | "RS" 
    // | "RD" | "Y0" | "Y4" | "Y1" | "Y2" | "Y3" | "Y5" | "Y6" | "Y7" | "Y8" | "Y9" | "YR" | "YS" | "YD" | "G0" | ... 24 more ... | "BD")[]
    // 28+24 = 52 elements in the union
    // exactly same number of elements is in runtime value
    const StandardDeck = makeDeck([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "S", "R", "D"])



    I have used curry pattern to make it more readable and variadic tuple types for inference

    As you might have noticed, in order to infer types I have used a function instead of just a value.

    If you want to type something complicated, first of all try to infer each function argument. The more strict inference - the better.

    Hover your mouse on applyColor(["R", "Y", "G", "B"]). You will see that array is infered with each element, not just string[]. Same with makeDeck.

    It is easy to infer a tuple of primitives. You just need to create generic for a tuple Colors and apply appropriate constraint extends Color[].

    In the second function, apart from infering whole tuple, I also infered a tuple element ColorKeys. I did it because I have used it in (v) => ${color}${v}`` for typing the return type.

    TypeScript is smart enough to infer exact type of ${color}${v}.

    If you are interested in function argument inference you can read my article. It is not finished yet but it already has some useful explanation and examples.

    P.S. It seems to be that WildCard does not exist in a runtime.

    P.S.S. Here you can find my article