I have a Mojolicious controller that fires in response to different URL routes. For example, given the URL path:
and a controller that fires:
sub handle_request ($self) {
my $place_holder_name = $self->route->?????? # how can I get 'someid'?
is($place_holder_name, 'someid', 'can access the placeholder name');
How can I find out the name of the placeholder?
These are not currently documented under Mojolicious::Routes
, so I can see why that's confusing. They're documented under Mojolicious::Controller#param
What you have there is a Route param, so you can retreive that value with,
Though undocumneted, you can find the names of the captures in the internal hashref like this,
Like this;
my $params = $self->stash->{'mojo.captures'};
warn for keys %$params;