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Panel data regression with fixed effects using Python

I have the following panel stored in df:

state district year y constant x1 x2 time
0 01 01001 2009 12 1 0.956007 639673 1
1 01 01001 2010 20 1 0.972175 639673 2
2 01 01001 2011 22 1 0.988343 639673 3
3 01 01002 2009 0 1 0 33746 1
4 01 01002 2010 1 1 0.225071 33746 2
5 01 01002 2011 5 1 0.450142 33746 3
6 01 01003 2009 0 1 0 45196 1
7 01 01003 2010 5 1 0.427477 45196 2
8 01 01003 2011 9 1 0.854955 45196 3
  • y is the number of protests in each district
  • constant is a column full of ones
  • x1 is the proportion of the district's area covered by a mobile network provider
  • x2 is the population count in each district (note that it is fixed in time)

How can I run the following model in Python? model

Here's what I tried

# Transform `x2` to match model
df['x2'] = df['x2'].multiply(df['time'], axis=0)
# District fixed effects
df['delta'] = pd.Categorical(df['district'])
# State-time fixed effects
df['eta'] = pd.Categorical(df['state'] + df['year'].astype(str))
# Set indexes

from linearmodels.panel import PanelOLS
m = PanelOLS(dependent=df['y'], exog=df[['constant','x1','x2','delta','eta']])

ValueError: exog does not have full column rank. If you wish to proceed with model estimation irrespective of the numerical accuracy of coefficient estimates, you can set rank_check=False.

What am I doing wrong?


  • I dug around the documentation and the solution turned out to be quite simple.

    After setting the indexes and turning the fixed effect columns to pandas.Categorical types (see question above):

    # Import model
    from linearmodels.panel import PanelOLS
    # Model
    m = PanelOLS(dependent=df['y'],
                 other_effects=df['eta'])'clustered', cluster_entity=True)

    That is, DO NOT pass your fixed effect columns to exog.

    You should pass them to entity_effects (boolean), time_effects (boolean) or other_effects (pandas.Categorical).