I'm trying to write a macro to replace some current code. The current code is like this:
data _null_;
call symput('as_of_date_nbr1', put(intnx('month', today(),-1, 'E'), yymmddn.));
%put &as_of_date_nbr1 yields 20210831
There is a data_null for each of 30 months. That variable is then used in a data step where statement
where date = &as_of_date_nbr1
I want to write a macro where the variable as_of_date_nbr would take a macro variable from 1-30 and the intnx function would also take a macro variable from 1-30 So something like this if possible in a loop
data _null_;
call symput('as_of_date_nbr.&macvar, put(intnx('month,today(),-&macvar, 'E'), yyyymmddn.))
So far I'm not having any luck, any ideas would be appreciated.
First start by trying to create a data set with the 30 dates needed.
data demo;
do i=1 to 30;
var_name=catt('month', put(i, z2. -l));
var_value=intnx('month', today(), -1*i, 'e');
format var_value yymmddn8.;
Once you're sure that's correct, you can add a CALL SYMPTUX line to create the macro variables.
call symputx(var_name, put(var_value, yymmddn8.), 'g');
Depending on what you're doing overall, you may want to explore CALL EXECUTE. For examle if you were looping a macro with these values instead of call symputx you could use CALL EXECUTE() to just call the macro directly with the values instead.
So if you had a macro called %filter like this:
%macro filter(date_param);
sas code
You could call it instead as follows:
call execute(catt('%filter_data(', put(var_value, yymmddn8.), ');'));
All together it would be something like this:
data demo;
do i=1 to 30;
var_name=catt('month', put(i, z2. -l));
var_value=intnx('month', today(), -1*i, 'e');
format var_value yymmddn8.;
call symputx(var_name, put(var_value, yymmddn8.), 'g');
*call execute(catt('%filter_data(', put(var_value, yymmddn8.), ');'));
*check macro variables created properly;
%put &month01.;
%put &month15.;
%put &month30.;