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Invalid cast from JArray to JObject

I've already implemented integration with Selenium -- Testrail. Everything was correct until today when I'm keep receiving:

OneTimeSetUp: System.InvalidCastException : Unable to cast object of type 'Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject' to type 'Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray'.

Here is the line of code where it fails:

JArray getListOfAllActiveTestRun = (JArray)client.SendGet($"get_runs/{ProjectId}");

As I'm assuming I need to have a JArray to use it later inside foreach loop (Full code view)

if (RunId == null)
    JArray getListOfAllActiveTestRun = (JArray)client.SendGet($"get_runs/{ProjectId}");

    foreach (JObject testRun in getListOfAllActiveTestRun)
        bool isCompleted = Convert.ToBoolean(testRun["is_completed"]);
        string lastTestRunId = testRun["id"].ToString();
        string lastSuiteId = testRun["suite_id"].ToString();
        int failedTestCount = testRun["failed_count"].Value<int>();
        int untestedTestCount = testRun["untested_count"].Value<int>();

        if (!isCompleted && lastSuiteId.Equals(SuitId) && failedTestCount > 0 || !isCompleted && lastSuiteId.Equals(SuitId) && untestedTestCount > 0) // we are checking that there is not finished testRun with suitId equal to this and failed tests and untested tests
            RunId = lastTestRunId;

Checked the solutions and most of the time I was facing option with JsonConvert.DeserializeObject but I'm not sure if this is correct hint in my case.

Edit (JSON)


         "name":"[ENV: TEST] [BACKOFFICE] Automation Test Run - [20:02:55 PM]",


  • I've been encountering the same problem starting from today as well -- it seems like there's been a change in TestRail's API.

    From TestRail's API reference: "...These bulk endpoints will no longer return an array of all entities, but will instead return an object with additional pagination fields and an array of up to 250 entities."
