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Counting registry entries in powershell

I am currently working on a project where I am installing some chrome and edge extensions on to computers in our environment via the SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallForcelist location in the registry.

I am trying to work out a way where I can script a count of the number of entries in that list and then do a +1 for the name of the next application if I need to install a new one to save hard coding the numbers into my script. I have tried looking around for ideas on a way to do it but I am not sure how to phrase my question to find the answer to my specific question. I am still really new to powershell and I am just writing my first few scripts and I am sure there is something silly that I am overlooking or just plain not thinking of right now. I have tried the following on my blocklist registry item because I know there is more than 1 in there.

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> get-RegValue -Hive LocalMachine -key SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallBlocklist |Select-Object -Property value

New Value #1

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> get-RegValue -Hive LocalMachine -key SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallBlocklist |Select-Object -Property value | measure

Count    : 2
Average  : 
Sum      : 
Maximum  : 
Minimum  : 
Property : 

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> get-RegValue -Hive LocalMachine -key SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallBlocklist |Select-Object -Property value | measure |Select-Object -Property count


PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $Value = get-RegValue -Hive LocalMachine -key SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallBlocklist |Select-Object -Property value | measure |Select-Object -Property count

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> [int]$Value 
Cannot convert the "@{Count=2}" value of type "Selected.Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GenericMeasureInfo" to type "System.Int32".
At line:1 char:1
+ [int]$Value
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ConvertToFinalInvalidCastException

The issue that I am running into is I am not sure how to return the count as an integer? or to at least turn the count from a string to an integer so that I can then do a +1 loop on it.

My end goal is to have it read the registry, count the number of strings in it, then +1 for the name for the next entry and then set the data for the entry. As I said I can easily hard code it so that app 1 is "1" and app 2 is "2", but I think it would be better if I could ask it to count the entries and the +1 for the name.


  • @{Count=2}" is indicating that this is an object with a property called Count. You are getting that error because you cannot cast the whole object to an integer.

    You can however access the value through it's property


    Or instead you can do this in your main statement using -ExpandProperty Count which would only return the value of the property instead of an object containing the property.

    get-RegValue -Hive LocalMachine -key SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExtensionInstallBlocklist | 
        Select-Object -Property value | 
            Measure-Object | 
                Select-Object -ExpandProperty count