I am trying to construct a POST http request using hyper.
I am using tokio_rustls
to construct a https connector with tls.
The code I am using is:
use hyper::{body::to_bytes, client, Body, Method, Uri,Request};
let mut http = client::HttpConnector::new();
//set tls configs.
let mut tls = tokio_rustls::rustls::ClientConfig::new();
// initialize http connector
let https = hyper_rustls::HttpsConnector::from((http, tls));
//prepare client with tls settings.
let client: client::Client<_, hyper::Body> = client::Client::builder().build(https);
let fut = async move {
let req = Request::builder().method(Method::POST)
let res = match client.request(req).await {
Ok(d) => d,
Method => {
println!("Invalid method");
TooLarge => {
println!("Too large");
Err(e) => {
println!("unable to post {:?} ", e);
println!("Status:\n{}", res.status());
println!("Headers:\n{:#?}", res.headers());
let body: Body = res.into_body();
let body = to_bytes(body)
.map_err(|e| error(format!("Could not get body: {:?}", e)))?;
println!("Body:\n{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&body));
// ...
I am getting the following error:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> examples/client.rs:116:40
116 | let res = match client.request(req).await {
| ^^^ expected struct `Body`, found `()`
= note: expected struct `hyper::Request<Body>`
found struct `hyper::Request<()>`
not sure what I am doing wrong here.
The type mismatch occurred exactly in accordance to the requested types declared. Looking again at the definition of client
let client: client::Client<_, hyper::Body> = client::Client::builder().build(https);
The second type parameter of Client
(known as B
) stands for the expected body type of all requests made by this client.
In all subsequent calls to request
, the body type must match. In this case, it was defined to hyper::Body
, which is also the default type for B
. However, the request made next had a body value of type ()
let req = Request::builder().method(Method::POST)
.body(()) // <--- `()` instead of `Body`
If there is no future intention to provide more than an empty body in all requests, then it is safe to change the type parameter B
accordingly, or to let the compiler infer it automatically.
let client: client::Client<_, _> = client::Client::builder().build(https);
Otherwise, the alternative is to provide an empty body through the function Body::empty
let req = Request::builder().method(Method::POST)
.body(hyper::Body::empty()) // it's a match now