Does anyone know how I can apply a date one day in the past as my filename? With this code, it would give me a file name of 'File09202021161235.csv'
however I would like this to output 1 day in the past.
'File' +'%m%d%Y%H%M%S''.csv')
I tired using timedelta(days=1)
but then the strftime breaks? Can anyone offer any guidance?
It's very simple. First of all you are doing it wrong.
It's only the time for 1 days. It's not a current time. It's an interval.
The fix is you need to subtract the this 1 days time interval from current time.
import datetime
#Here we are subtracting the current time with 1 days time interval
past_day = - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
your_file_name = 'File' + past_day.strftime('%m%d%Y%H%M%S''.csv')