I'm trying to extract all text between certain characters but my current code simply returns an empty list. Each row has a long text string that looks like this:
"[{'index': 0, 'spent_transaction_hash': '4b3e9741022d4', 'spent_output_index': 68, 'script_asm': '3045022100e9e2280f5e6d965ced44', 'value': Decimal('381094.000000000')}\n {'index': 1, 'spent_transaction_hash': '0cfbd8591a3423', 'spent_output_index': 2, 'script_asm': '3045022100a', 'value': Decimal('3790496.000000000')}]"
I just need the values for "spent_transaction_hash". For example, I'd like to create a new column that has a list of ['4b3e9741022d4', '0cfbd8591a3423']. I'm trying to extract the values between 'spent_transaction_hash': and the comma. Here's my current code:
my_list = []
for row in df['column']:
value = re.findall(r'''spent_transaction_hash'\: \(\[\'(.*?)\'\]''', row)
This code simply returns a blank list. Could anyone please tell me which part of my code is wrong?
Is is what you're looking for? 'spent_transaction_hash'\: '([a-z0-9]+)'