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SignalR OnConnected method not firing when multiple users sign in

I have been trying to add a real-time notification feature to an MVC website using SignalR. I am using Asp.NET Identity for authentication.

As I understood from SignalR documentation the OnConnected method on Hub class should fire whenever a user logs in.

So when I came to debug, if I sign the first user, the OnConnected method called properly. However, when I open another browser(eg: Firefox, Microsoft edge ..) and sign in another user, OnConnected is never called.

My Startup class looks like this:

[assembly: OwinStartup(typeof(NotificationApp.Startup))]
namespace NotificationApp
  public partial class Startup
      public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)

Hub class

namespace NotificationApp
    public class NotificationHub : Hub {
        //This gets called for the first logged in user only
        public override Task OnConnected()

            return base.OnConnected();

       public override Task OnDisconnected(bool stopCalled)
            return base.OnDisconnected(stopCalled);

Client code

$(document).ready(function () {
    var notificationHub = $.connection.notificationHub;
    //Called for every client properly
    $.connection.hub.start().done(function () {

     console.log('Notification hub started');

 //This gets called for the first logged in user only
 notificationHub.client.connected = function (message) {

        console.log('Hello' + message);



  • When you open another tab, you are the same client and are then given a connectionID.

    Try changing "Client":

            public override Task OnConnected()
            return base.OnConnected();

    To "Caller":

            public override Task OnConnected()
            return base.OnConnected();

    Also, move your client function before your hub.start. You should always register one function before your start. See the note regarding in the docs.