I am converting my angular 11 project to angular 12 and there are some problem I am facing. In one component which is ngx-nestable its working fine in angular 11 but as I have updated it to version 12 it's showing me some error please check screen shot.
This is my .ts file code:
import { Component, OnInit, ElementRef, Renderer2 } from '@angular/core';
import { NestableSettings } from './lib/nestable.models';
selector: 'app-nestable',
templateUrl: './nestable.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./nestable.component.css']
export class NestableComponent implements OnInit {
public idCount = 13;
public options = {
fixedDepth: false
} as NestableSettings;
public list = [
{ 'id': 1 },
'expanded': true,
'id': 2, 'children': [
{ 'id': 3 },
{ 'id': 4 },
'expanded': false,
'id': 5, 'children': [
{ 'id': 6 },
{ 'id': 7 },
{ 'id': 8 }
{ 'id': 9 },
{ 'id': 10 }
{ 'id': 11 },
'id': 12,
'children': [
{ 'id': 13 }
{ 'id': 14 },
{ 'id': 15 }
private el: ElementRef,
private renderer: Renderer2
) {
this.renderer.listen(this.el.nativeElement, 'listUpdated', e => {
this.list = e.detail.list;
public pushItem() {
this.list.push({ id: ++this.idCount });
this.list = [...this.list];
public toggleFixedDepth() {
this.options.fixedDepth = !this.options.fixedDepth;
public drag(e: any) {
public drop(e: any) {
public onDisclosure(e: any) {
ngOnInit(): void {
and this is my html code
<ngx-nestable class="ngx-nestable col-lg-6"
<ng-template #itemTemplate let-row>
<button mat-icon-button [ngxNestableDragHandle]="row">
<button mat-icon-button *ngIf="row.item.children && row.item.children.length; else empty_item" [ngxNestableExpandCollapse]="row">
<mat-icon>{{row.item.$$expanded ? 'keyboard_arrow_down' : 'keyboard_arrow_right'}}</mat-icon>
<div>Item: {{row.item.id}}</div>
Please tell me what should I change or add in the code file so that it will start working. I am trying to find a solution for many days but to no avail.