This is my system's flow:
User Input ───────────► Encrypt Library Scripts
Result ◄───────── Add DB ◄────────┤
However, The script file is encrypted and something is missing. Also I want to add the log about this function.
So I am writing some code like this:
$("#form").submit(function(e) {
// Call API Here
// Step 1: API to Save the User Input and timestamp to the log table
// Step 2: Cron job to Query the latest result of that user, and update the table id to the Step 1 log
But it seems too complicated and need to manage the cron job.
So I want to write something like this
$data = $_POST['inputA'];
// Step 1: Return the response to frontend first (Finish AJAX)
// Step 2: Wait 10s for the library adding result
// Step 3: Query the latest id, and add with the $_POST data from frontend
// Will Handle if the latest result not in 10s, assume add data failed , no need to retry
Is it possible in php ?
You can flushe all response data to the client
// do your task
Or better way is to use queques