I am trying to set an environment variable for my GitLab Runner which value I retrieve using a ssh command. I tired to set the variable in the workflow
like below. The problem is that the ssh command is not executed and is treated like a string.
- if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"
when: always
TABLE_STATUS: ssh gitlab-runner@$TARGET_HOST "source $DRIVE_PATH/config/.config && mysql -u $USER -p$PASSWORD -e \"SELECT IF(MONTH(datetime) = MONTH(NOW()), IF(status = 1, 'TRUE', 'FALSE'), 'FALSE') FROM schema.table WHERE table_name = 'tbl_name';\" "
BRANCH: prod
DRIVE_PATH: /path/to/prod
- when: always
The ssh command works in script but I dont know how to assigne the value to a variable before script.
Directly using a string command in your variable is indeed likely to result in... a string value.
Executing the command should involve, as seen here, the subshell command $(xxx)
In your case, from your comment, using the before_script
TABLE_STATUS=$(ssh gitlab-runner@$TARGET_HOST "source $DRIVE_PATH/config/.config && mysql ...)