I have a binary .dat
file from a random number generator which I need to convert to strings of 0
s and 1
s. I can't find an elegant solution for this in python.
The code that I have now. Need to convert quantis.dat
as a string of 0
s and 1
def bytesToBits(bytes):
return bin(int(bytes.hex(), 16))
outfile = open("quantum.txt", "w")
infile = open("quantis.dat", "rb")
chunk = infile.read(1)
while chunk:
decimal = bytesToBits(chunk)
chunk = infile.read(1)
You can use this for a list of strings:
>>> [f"{n:08b}" for n in open("random.dat", "rb").read()]
['01000001', '01100010', '01000010', '10011011', '01100111', ...
or if you want a single string:
>>> "".join(f"{n:08b}" for n in open("random.dat", "rb").read())
The :08b
format specifier will format each byte as binary, having exactly 8 digits.